Industrial Hose & Hydraulics Ltd. (IHH) is pleased to announce the addition of ROSS Canada to our industry leading line up of partners.
ROSS Controls is known globally for being a leader of pneumatic safety products and solutions.
We are very pleased to be able to partner with such a powerful player in this marketplace. The ROSS brand will enhance our product offering and help expand our presence in the Golden Horseshoe region.
The addition of the ROSS brand will reinforce our commitment to providing our customer base with the best solutions for their challenging applications.
Established and headquartered in Michigan since 1921, ROSS Controls is an international designer and ISO certified manufacturer of pneumatic valves and controls systems. An innovative and driving force in the pneumatic safety industry for over 50 years, ROSS focuses on tailored technology to provide customers with a distinct value advantage. ROSS has subsidiaries in Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, India, Brazil, France, and China plus 145 worldwide stocking distributors.
About Industrial Hose & Hydraulics Ltd.
Headquartered in Hamilton Ontario, Industrial Hose & Hydraulics Ltd. has been serving the Golden Horseshoe since 1976 as an industrial distribution company specializing in the sales and service of industrial and hydraulic hose, fittings coupling, clamps as well as pneumatic tools and related products. For over 40 years Industrial Hose has been committed to treatingĀ employees, customers, suppliers and all business partners with dignity, respect, fairness and honesty.
Best Regards,
Darryl Kyle
COVID-19 Update
Dear Valued Customer, As we are all acutely aware, Ontario Premier Rob Ford has closed all non essential business until further notice. Industrial Hose & Hydraulics Ltd. (IHH) REMAINS OPEN during this time. We have been deemed an Essential Service across many...